Welcome to EagleSite
Dedicated to presenting a variety of tools and ideas to assist the seeker in the ultimate quest; for a greater understanding of the real person within.
This knowledge base is commonly referred to as Ageless Wisdom.
Esoteric Orientation A short introductory explanation of Esoteric psychology and the Constitution of Man
Book of Mantrams Index to: Great Invocation - Soul Mantram - meditations - and many more quotes.
Meditation A short explanation and sample meditations
The Pattern On The Tresleboard attributed to Hermes Tresmegistus
Hermes Emerald Tablet Concerning the Operation of the Sun
Tarot Grand Layout 22 Tarot Keys - click on each symbol for more information on that key
Links to Esoteric Sites Resource page for web sites on ageless wisdom
Astrology Sign Calculator determine your sign
On Peace ..
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"...it will be a peace which is independent of outer conditions and
which is not based upon what present humanity defines as peace. The
peace which lies ahead of the race is the peace of serenity and of
joy - a serenity, based upon spiritual understanding."
Alice A. Bailey
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"This is what you should do; love the Earth and sun and the animals,
despite riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the
stupid and crazy, devote your income and labour to others, hate
tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence
towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or
to any many or number of men... re-examine all you have been told at
school or church or in any book, dismiss what insults your soul, and
your very flesh shall be a great poem."
Walt Whitman |
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"Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, of giving and forgiving. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
What lies before you and what lies behind you are tiny matters
compared to what lies within you."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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. . it is important to understand, not intellectually but actually
in your daily life, how you have built images about your wife, your
husband, your neighbour, your child, your country, your leaders,
your politicians, your gods--you have nothing but images. The images
create the space between you and what you observe and in that space
there is conflict, so what we are going to find out now together is
whether it is possible to be free of the space we create, not only
outside ourselves but in ourselves, the space which divides people
in all their relationships. ."
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"Beauty is the
focus of the heart of love. It leads one to see the inherent
goodness of the one unified life in every single expression of
being. Sacrifice is the willing giving of oneself to this goodness,
demonstrating the conviction that all is good, knowing that
everything exists for good reason and serves the purpose of unity."
Andrew Schneider...author of
"The Mysteries Revealed"