Links to Esoteric & Ageless Wisdom sites
These links are provided solely for your pleasure, no endorsement is implied.
The Great Invocation 
To learn more about The Great Invocation.
"The meaning of this Invocation has been
expressed in terms which are understandable, in a measure, to the average
person because of its familiar wording, based on many Scriptural terms.
But the true inner implications and significances are of very deep import
and are not superficially apparent. I challenge you to penetrate, through
meditation, more deeply into the vital meaning of these words, these
amazing words."...
in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 156
Trust |
worldwide activities of the Lucis Trust, founded by Alice and Foster
Bailey, are dedicated to establishing right human relations. The
motivating impulse is love of God, expressed through love of humanity and
service of the human race.
The activities of the Lucis Trust promote the education
of the human mind towards recognition and practice of the spiritual
principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society
may be based.
The Lucis Trust is non-political and non-sectarian. It
sponsors no special creed or dogma. |
Esoteric Astrologer |
Welcome to Esoteric Astrologer
You will find here a wealth of wisdom, including monthly Full
Moon Newsletters, Articles & Essays, as well as the Bookstore, Webinars and Astrological
Readings. Follow on Facebook for
updates on Esoteric Astrology and various commentaries in between the
monthly Newsletters. Find
Esoteric Astrologer on Telegram |
Sacred Texts Archive |
Over 1000 books in full text
available on-line! an amazing reference site.
This site is a freely available
archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and
folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English
translation and, in some cases, in the original language.
This site has no particular
agenda other than promoting religious tolerance and scholarship. |
for Esoteric Studies |
School's objective is to help students train and prepare themselves for
discipleship. A disciple is one who, above all else, is pledged to do
three things:
- to serve humanity;
- to cooperate with the Divine Plan
- to develop the powers of the Soul, or Higher Self.
The work of the School is non-sectarian, international in
scope and conducted by correspondence (email or postal mail). The work is
kept strictly individual and confidential between the student and those
who guide his or her work. There are no classes, no examinations and no
competition; the student's progress is measured against his or her own
highest potential. Emphasis is laid on three lines of effort that
supplement each other and must be carried on simultaneously. These are:
meditation, study and service. |
Meditation Now

Meditation Now |
It only takes a
minute to reset and be present |
Madame Blavatsky |
This site focuses on
Madame Blavatsky and her teaching - Theosophy. It features an introduction
to Theosophy, study aids, research tools, original text of Theosophy,
supporting evidence, membership, and visitor interaction. |
of the Adytum |
modern mystery school based on the Western Mystery tradition presenting teachings and
practices of the Sacred Tarot, Holy Qabalah, Gematria, Alchemy and other
related disciplines. Founded by Dr. Paul Foster
Case in 1922, and extended by Dr. Ann Davies
Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) is a non-profit,
tax-exempt religious organization irrevocably dedicated to spiritual
attunement through enlightened worship in the Tradition of the Western
Mysteries. Its congregation is an association of spiritual aspirants who
participate through the B.O.T.A. lesson instructions. Wherever they may be
geographically, they are, in fact, participating in mystical-esoteric
meditational practices that unify them into a powerful metaphysical body
of enlightened worship. B.O.T.A. freely offers its instructions or other
benefits to dues paying members. The Order’s
material needs are supported solely by membership dues-contributions and
other donations. |
The American Tarot Association |
This section of the ATA website contains the
James Rioux personal
interpretations of the 78 Tarot cards. This information is not taken from
any books or Internet documents, but based on his personal experience. The
meanings recorded in these pages emerged through readings, meditation,
common sense, or a combination of these.
Note that these are personal opinions, and that every
reader will have different views of the same cards. What is said about the
cards is not fact written in stone, or gospel to be obeyed without question.
They are offered on this site so students of the Tarot can have something
more substantial to rely upon than "white booklet" meanings, until they
discover their own personal interpretations through work and experience.
To see the interpretation of each card, just click its
name in the frame to your left. These pages are illustrated with images of
cards from the Rider-Waite deck, by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman
Smith, published by U.S. Games Systems.
Ocean of Wisdom
Dalai Lama Website
This website is dedicated to creating
awareness of the life and work of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai
Lama of
Tibet and has been created under the
auspicies of the Office of Tibet and the
Tibetan Government-in-Exile.
is Mongolian for 'ocean'.
is Tibetan for 'spiritual teacher'
hence the translation:
"Ocean of Wisdom" |
Metaphysical Essays |
John Nash
has worked as a research scientist, businessman, and educator. Born in the
United Kingdom, he earned his doctorate from the University of London in
1964 before moving permanently to the United States. In his professional
career he has published eight books and more than 120 academic papers and
journal articles. His interests include organ and choral music.
For more
than 30 years, Dr. Nash has studied metaphysics, published articles, made
presentations, and led workshops in the United States and Europe. His most
recent books are
Quest for the
Soul and
The Soul and
Its Destiny. He coordinated a healing ministry in a major city and
now serves as a traditional Usui Reiki Master. He also serves as a
spiritual counselor, corresponding with esoteric students throughout the
world. John Nash has extensively studied the works of the
Tibetan Master, Djwhal
Khul, and is committed to the 2nd-ray work of teaching and healing. The
Tibetan's books were channeled through Alice Bailey during the period
1919-1949 and are published by
Trust. Several of the essays have been
published in
The Beacon, an
international journal of esoteric studies.
We invite you to explore the metaphysics and spirituality
of the Aquarian Age. The site honours the teachings of the Tibetan
Master Djwhal Khul, as
recorded in the 24 books of Alice A. Bailey, and the work of his many
The site is further dedicated to the Archangel Uriel, the
"Fire of God." |
The World Teacher Trust
The World Teacher Trust (W.T.T.) is an
organisation of people, who are inspired by the lives and teachings of the great
Teachers of Eternal Wisdom. They are attempting to live life in simplicity,
naturality and love and are accepting a way of life which includes
study of the wisdom teachings and
as an attitude of mind while at work. The motto is „Seven Times Seven the
Wheel Rotates“.
The World Teacher Trust is particularly
inspired by the life and teachings of
Ekkirala Krishnamacharya
(Master E.K.), who founded the W.T.T. in 1971, and
Dr. K.
Parvathi Kumar,
the present International Chairman (since 1984). The Trust spreads their
impersonal teachings; multi-faceted wisdom flows through them, inspiring
aspirants in the East and the West into the right way of living. |
Self Realization Fellowship |
The goal of Self
Realization Fellowship:
To disseminate among the nations a
knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal
experience of God.
To teach that the
purpose of life is the evolution, through self-effort of man's limited mortal
consciousness into God Consciousness; and to this end to establish
Self-Realization Fellowship temples for God-communion throughout the world, and
to encourage the establishment of individual temples of God in the homes and in
the hearts of men. |
Seven Ray Institute
University of The Seven Rays |
To strengthen spiritual love,
spiritual will, and practical spiritual intelligence in its students. The
University's programs are designed to produce graduates who understand the
subjective causes behind external events, and can thus operate more effectively,
not only in their day-to-day lives, but also at the planetary level to aid human
upliftment and fulfillment.
All programs are based upon the
esoteric doctrine known as the “Ageless Wisdom,” the “Trans-Himalayan Wisdom,”
derived from the teachings of the Christ, the Buddha, and other Spiritual
Masters, with special emphasis on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul.
“To understand comprehensively,
to live wisely, to serve selflessly”
“A Spiritual and Universal Approach
Towards Essential Being” |
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